The 27th ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress (AFCC 2023)




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07:30-07:40 A case report: no-reflow and slow flow phenomenon after PCI
Dr. TRAN Dinh Tuyen (Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
07:40-07:45 Panel discussion, Q&A
07:45-07:55 Management slow flow/mo-reflow phenomenon in PCI with resistant conventional therapy or hemodynamic collapse
Dr. TRUONG Hoai Lam (TamAnh Hospital, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
07:55-08:00 Panel discussion, Q&A
08:00-08:10 Manegement of Distal Coronary Perforation During PCI - a case report
Dr. LE The Anh (ThanhHoa Provincial Hospital, ThanhHoa, VIETNAM)
08:10-08:15 Panel discussion, Q&A
08:15-08:25 Fishing stent in femoral artery (A case report of a coronary stent dislogment´s retrieval)
Dr. Fadma Yuliani (M. Djamil Central Public Hospital, Padang, INDONESIA)
08:25-08:30 Panel discussion, Q&A
08:30-08:40 Severe balloon-induced coronary artery dissection: 2 case reports and review
Dr. LE Thanh Binh (Vietnam National Heart Institute, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
08:40-08:45 Panel discussion, Q&A
08:40-8:55 Iatrogenic aortocoronary dissection during percutaneous coronary intervention: A case report
Dr. DUONG Quang Hiep (Hanoi Medical University, ThanhHoa Campus, ThanhHoa, VIETNAM)
08:55-09:00 Panel discussion, Q&A
09:00-09:10 Retrieval of dislodged device of VSD closure: A case report
 Nguyen Minh Hung (Vietnam National Heart Institute, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
09:10-09:15 Panel discussion, Q&A

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