The 27th ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress (AFCC 2023)




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11:30-11:32 Introduction
Dr. HA Mai Huong (Hanoi Heart Institute, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
11:32-11:42 Outcomes of ECMO application for high-risk pulmonary embolism patients at Cho Ray Hospital
Dr. TRAN Huu Chinh (ChoRay Hospital, HoChiMinh city, VIETNAM)
11:42-12:52 Awake ECMO application in cardiovascular diseases patients at 108 Military Central Hospital
Dr. LUU Quang Minh (ICU, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
11:52-12:07 For which cardiovascular patient groups does ECMO provide real benefit?
Dr. DANG Viet Duc (108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, VIETNAM)
12:07-12:12 Panel discussion, Q&A
12:12-12:15 Wrap-up and summary

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