Đại hội Tim mạch Đông Nam Á lần thứ 27 (AFCC 2023)

Chi tiết Phiên làm việc

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S07 | 10:15-11:30 | 04/11/2023 | HỘI TRƯỜNG A (PHÒNG 313)
Phiên ESC Asia tại AFCC 2023 số 2: 3 thử nghiệm lâm sàng nổi bật công bố tại ESC

Chủ tọa:

Stephan AchenbachProf.Stephan Achenbach
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nuernberg, Erlangen, GERMANY
Prof.HUYNH Van Minh
President of Vietnamese Society of Hypertension, VIETNAM
Alex T. JuniaDr.Alex T. Junia
Philippine Heart Association, Cebu, PHILIPPINES

Chủ tọa đoàn:

Dr.YEO Colin
Changi General Hospital, Singapore, SINGAPORE
Moncy Jacob OOMMENDr.Moncy Jacob OOMMEN
RIPAS Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan, BRUNEI
Department of Cardiology, Yangon General Hospital, University of Medicine-1, Yangon, Myanmar

Phiên bản tiếng Anh (English version)

10:15-10:17 Introduction of STEP HFpEF trial and the context around this trial
GS.TS. Stephan Achenbach (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nuernberg, Erlangen, GERMANY)
10:17-10:22 ESC TV interview of the trial investigator
BS. Mikhail Kosiborod (St. Luke´s Mid America Heart Institute, Kansas city, MO, USA)
10:22-10:30 Deep dive presentation of the trial
BS. Moncy Jacob OOMMEN (RIPAS Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan, BRUNEI)
10:30-10:40 Panel discussion of how the trial would change the daily practice in ASEAN
10:40-10:42 Introduction of RED-CVD trial and the context around this trial
GS.TS. Huỳnh Văn Minh (President of Vietnamese Society of Hypertension, VIETNAM)
10:42-10:47 ESC TV interview of the trial investigator
GS.TS. Rudolf De Boer (Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, NETHERLAND)
10:47-10:55 Deep dive presentation of the trial
GS.TS. NWE NWE (Department of Cardiology, Yangon General Hospital, University of Medicine-1, Yangon, Myanmar)
10:55-11:05 Panel discussion of how the trial would change the daily practice in ASEAN
11:05-11:07 Introduction of NOAH-AFNET 6 trial from ESC 2023 and the context around this trial
BS. Alex T. Junia (Philippine Heart Association, Cebu, PHILIPPINES)
11:07-11:12 ESC TV interview of the trial investigator
GS.TS. Paulus Kirchhof (University Heart & Vascular Center Hamburg, Hamburg, GERMANY)
11:12-11:20 Deep dive presentation of the trial
Dr. YEO Colin (Changi General Hospital, Singapore, SINGAPORE)
R3:13-R3:13 Panel discussion of how the trial would change the daily practice in ASEAN
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